Process of Orthodontic Treatment

At the first appointment, cephalometric and panoramic x-rays are received from the patient. X-rays may detect conditions that you cannot see in the mouth but can completely change the treatment plan. Photographs and plaster casts documenting the initial state of the patient are also taken.
Treatment planning is done on these records as a result of some analysis. In the next 1-2 appointments, the planned procedures are performed and braces or other selected therapeutic orthodontic mechanics are applied to the patient. Treatment begins. Depending on the type of procedure being performed, checks begin every 3 to 5 weeks. Changes and activations are made on the braces . This situation continues for the prescribed treatment period. The patient must strictly follow the doctor's instructions throughout the treatment. Hence, it is a treatment that requires family-patient-doctor cooperation.
The result depends on the knowledge and care of the doctor and the cooperation of the patient. If these are in place, the treatment success is 100%. At the end of the treatment, after the braces are removed, reinforcement appliances are applied to prevent the teeth from returning to their original state. The doctor selects this device according to the patient's initial and final condition. A transparent plaque, a boxer-type appliance, removable palates, and an internally adherent thin brace reinforcement device can be selected. The ideal consolidation time should be half of the active treatment time. While there are situations that do not require reinforcement, there may also be situations that require reinforcement for a very long time. Reinforcement appliances are gradually abandoned. Treatment is not stopped abruptly.