Need for Orthodontic Treatment

All of the following issues are indications that you may be a candidate for orthodontic treatment:
1- If you have easily noticed crowding in your teeth , prominent forwardness, backwardness, curvature of your lower or upper jaw , or a mismatch with other parts of the face,
2- If there is something that bothers you when you smile: for example, if your gums look excessive or dark spaces form around the mouth,
3 - If you have biting and chewing problems due to your jaw and teeth relations,
4- If you have severe mouth breathing, thumb sucking, nail biting or if you have had some long-lasting habits like this in the past,
5- If you have difficulty in closing your mouth, if your lips are not enough to provide closure,
6- If you hear noise in your jaw joints, feel pain in your jaw muscles or experience jaw locking, If your lower jaw seems to be trapped inside your upper jaw,
7- If you were born with cleft lip and palate or a similar syndrome,
8- If there are individuals in your family who had orthodontic problems or lost their teeth at a very early age,
9- If you have at least one missing tooth in your mouth and other teeth have started to shift towards that area,
10-If you can't clean your teeth well due to crowding and therefore you have gingival problems or you need to whiten your teeth,
11-If there are large gaps between your teeth,
12- If your dentist is having difficulty due to the position of your tooth while making your veneer or filling,
13-If early milk tooth extraction has been made,
14- If you swallow and speak by putting your tongue between your front teeth, if your incisors do not come into contact with each other in a vertical direction when you close your back teeth